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Consider Becoming a Change Agent
Change is coming. Oh boy is it coming and we aren't even sure how to handle it! This was the message from IBM latest Global CEO Survey. Over 1000 CEOS from 40 different nations were interviewed. In this article, we want to present you a few key... (More)

In Search of the One
Have you ever wondered when your career is going to take off? Or when you will finally get the recognition you deserve for the work you do? Have you ever wondered why some people are able to generate a lot of attention and accolades for their... (More)

Changing Careers - Ultimate Tips For Success
Are you thinking about changing your career? Are you worried about how difficult the transition is going to be? Then you are not alone. Many people go through similar anticipation when thinking about attempting a career change. Your career is among... (More)

Job Search
You Can Find a Good Job In a Bad Economy
Employers are always on the lookout for college students who stand out in some way. However, when times are tough, college students should consider some additional ways to make themselves more visible and attractive to prospective employers.

Money Matters
Millions of people in the business world are going through overwhelming and uncomfortable emotions due to the financial meltdown our nation is currently facing.

Never Climb Alone
The biggest key in climbing to greater career success is learning to let go!

Why Are You Going to College?
While in high school, most students begin to select a general career direction. Some make careful choices, while others leave things to chance. Either way, the process usually begins there. When college is in the offing, those young adults will... (More)

Ten Tips For Starting a New Job
It is both exciting and stressful to begin a new job. You want to do a good job and be a team player. How do you begin when everything and everyone is new to you? Here is a list of suggested first "steps" to help you make a smooth transition.

Are You a Job Search Procrastinator?
You've been in a dead-end job for months, or even years now, yet you can't seem to gather up the courage to look for a new job. Or your company announced there will be a series of layoffs coming this year and you don't know if you're going to be... (More)

Winning the Career War
Behind the secure walls of corporate fortresses career warriors are relentlessly fighting -- at times with their own selves -- the battle to succeed. Victory and defeat have different connotations in this war, but the rules, the challenges, and the... (More)

Crafting a Resume for a Non-profit Organization
Non-profit agencies do a lot of good work-whether raising money for sick children or finding happy homes for abandoned animals. If you'd like to join the paid ranks of those who work for non-profits, the first step is to put together a resume that... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

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