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How to Train Yourself for a New Job
If you've been looking for a job for any length of time, you'll notice there are many out there beyond your level of expertise. Why is that? Is it because of your education? Your lack of experience? If you want to move ahead in your career, sometimes... (More)

What Questions Can Employers Legally Ask?
What questions can employers legally ask? When dealing with background checks, are there limits to how far back they can go? Are they just looking for felonies or misdemeanors too? I hate answering these questions. I am in the process of getting an... (More)

Time to Update Your Resume
We are always making lists to keep on top of the daily/weekly schedules and deadlines that face us in our business lives. But, odds are, that many of us keep our noses to the grindstone and forget to do a periodic check to see if our jobs and careers... (More)

6 Steps to Ensure That You Always Have a Job
Did you ever notice that there are certain people who have great jobs? They are always working on a consistent basis even in shaky industries and uncertain times? And then there are those who are either constantly unhappy in their careers, or go for... (More)

How to Get What You Want In Your Career
We all have something that we want in our career. Some people see potential where they work, so they want a big promotion and a large raise. Other people are ready for a change, so they want a different job or a new career. What do you want?

Moms Going Back to Work
There has been a ton of discussion lately about stay-at-home moms sacrificing their financial health for the sake of raising their children. Whether you agree or disagree with this statement, there are a lot of moms returning to the workforce to make... (More)

21 Ways to Improve Your Resume
Your resume is critical to your job search success. It must be a highly effective resume to capture the employer's attention in today's market. Here's what employers recommend, based on a national survey conducted with 600 Hiring Managers.

Networking Through Professional Organizations
There are many reasons for attending industry-related meetings and joining organizations or community groups. Participation in organized groups allows us to benefit by learning from the experiences of others, continue our education through... (More)

Myth of the 10 Minute Resume
Anytime you're promised something within a short time, you must ask yourself if it sounds too easy. Often services or tools that offer quick completions of your career documents are nothing more than a list of facts that you enter! You went to school... (More)

Stretch Assignments
Nicole Williams talks about Stretch Assignments, the projects that expand your skills and limits. Going after the stretch assignments are a great way to move yourself into position for a raise or a promotion. Nicole's advice talks about where to find... (More)

Making the Best of a Layoff
There's an old saying, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." Knowing that makes this article especially useful. Teena Rose talks about making the best of a lay-off: the graceful exit. From developing a contingency plan, to negotiating your... (More)

Narrowing the Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap struggle is real and the disparity is wide-spread. This show is packed with practical and powerful advice to help women to level the salary playing field. Lydia Frank (@lydia_west)and Katie Donovan (@KDSalaryCoach,@Negoti8Pay) are... (More)

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