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Finding Your Passion
Today, I start with sharing what I call, "A Scene from Childhood": My daughter Claire, 2 years, 9 months, was playing full out in the back yard, finding things that were funny, laughing, freely enjoying herself. I was soaking her in in all her... (More)

Job Search
Back to Basics
In this time of corporate upheaval, economic downturn, and general uneasiness, many job seekers rush to get resumes out and to set up interviews. In this rush, simple details that can make a candidate stand out among their peers are often left by the... (More)

Making the First Days at Your New Job Easier
If you are a new graduate, your first day as a "real nurse" will be not only exciting, but very stressful! Along with the relief of not having an instructor peering over your shoulder and reviewing your every move, you might feel a bit of fear at... (More)

Cover Letter Help - Writing Errors to Avoid
To ensure you're always using an effective cover letter, let's review the letter's intended purpose. A cover letter primarily connects your resume to an open position. To understand the importance of such a connection, you only need to put yourself... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

The Flinch
What's a... - Four-letter word - You use every day - With no vowels - Not found in the dictionary - And when used correctly in negotiations will put dollars in your pocket every time?

Job Search
Career Success
What Did You Say? A college education has been long regarded as essential to getting the best jobs available - and that is still true today. Yet, employers are demanding more from their new college recruits!

From 'Just A Job' To Your Dream Career
Are you in a career you love, or in a job you are tolerating? What's the difference? If you're working strictly to earn a paycheck to pay the bills, you have a job. If your days are filled with passion and delight for the work you do, you have a... (More)

Job Search
Networking - Does it Still Work?
Networking was the biggest buzz word of the 90's. To get a job or grow a business - all you had to do was network. Bill Gates' initial deal with IBM, in which they bought and added the MS DOS operating system to all their PC's, was a result of... (More)

What's Your Game Plan
It's hard to get excited about our careers sometimes. Especially when bad news surrounds us. Between high unemployment, low morale, and reduced compensation, who can blame us for not wanting to jump out of bed energized and ready to start each day?

Job Search
Ways to Increase Your Chances of Hearing Someone Say You're Hired
Take your job search seriously: Consider looking for a job your new job. Devote time each day to your search, establish an area in your home as your workstation, and commit to making a specific number of contacts each day.

Going From Mom to Employee
It happens five days a week. You have to shift gears from being a mom to being an employee - even the boss. How can you effectively shift gears and get yourself ready for the workday ahead? How do you gain and keep respect with those who work... (More)

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