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Job Search
What Successful Job Seekers Have in Common
If only there were a formula for getting a job. Follow steps "A," "B," and "C" and end up with the job of your dreams. While it's not that simple, there are some strategies that have proven to be effective. Based on interviews I conducted with job... (More)

Job Search
Back to Basics
In this time of corporate upheaval, economic downturn, and general uneasiness, many job seekers rush to get resumes out and to set up interviews. In this rush, simple details that can make a candidate stand out among their peers are often left by the... (More)

Sending Your Resume and Cover Letters
When you apply via email, there are a couple of options. You can write your cover letter directly into an email message (the same rules for writing a proper letter and proofing it apply) and attach your resume (a MS Word attachment is best). Or, you... (More)

Career Success - 3 Simple Ways to Bulletproof Your Career
In all the years that I have been working as a career and job coach I am always amazed at how many managers tell me they have no time to update their resume and keep their network active. "I know I should," they often say, "but I just don't have the... (More)

Cover Letter Help - Writing Errors to Avoid
To ensure you're always using an effective cover letter, let's review the letter's intended purpose. A cover letter primarily connects your resume to an open position. To understand the importance of such a connection, you only need to put yourself... (More)

What Motivates Companies to Hire You
Knowing what triggers a company's interest and quickly motivates them to sit up and take notice of you is powerful knowledge that you can use over and over again.

Are You a Job Search Procrastinator?
You've been in a dead-end job for months, or even years now, yet you can't seem to gather up the courage to look for a new job. Or your company announced there will be a series of layoffs coming this year and you don't know if you're going to be... (More)

When Providing References Is a Challenge
Dear Joan: I am updating my resume and need some advice regarding references, should a prospective employer ask for them. I currently work for a 'toxic boss' who would retaliate and make my life miserable if it were known I was looking elsewhere.... (More)

Avoid a 3-Ring Circus with these New Interviewing Strategies
I referenced the circus because I just finished another interviewing book that recommends asking for the job before leaving the interview. I can envision up to 15 qualified professionals each asking the interviewer for the job. If each asks for the... (More)

Top Resume Writing Tips
It's been said that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. People meeting you for the first time will make some type of judgment based upon your appearance, the circumstances of meeting and more. Just as this saying is true for a... (More)

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?
The motto "Be prepared," isn't just great advice for Boy Scouts; it's also great career advice. You never know when the perfect career opportunity will present itself. If a recruiter called you today with your dream job, would you be prepared to send... (More)

Phone Interviews
If you haven't interviewed for a job in awhile, you may be surprised when you are asked to do a phone interview first. Most companies are using a phone interview to speed up the hiring cycle.

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