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Finding Your Passion
Today, I start with sharing what I call, "A Scene from Childhood": My daughter Claire, 2 years, 9 months, was playing full out in the back yard, finding things that were funny, laughing, freely enjoying herself. I was soaking her in in all her... (More)

How to Manage Your Career During an Economic Downturn
The economy is reeling under the pressures of a downturn. Unemployment rates are staggering and layoffs are at an all-time high. The current economic climate calls for a robust career management plan, one that will, despite the recession-like... (More)

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?
The motto "Be prepared," isn't just great advice for Boy Scouts; it's also great career advice. You never know when the perfect career opportunity will present itself. If a recruiter called you today with your dream job, would you be prepared to send... (More)

The Breakfast of Champions
Call it a slogan, a branding image, a tagline. When you hear it or see it, you know exactly what the product is and what it might do for you. Walk down the aisle of any food store and you'll encounter hundreds of similar slogans that reach into your... (More)

Job Search
Can You Attract a New Job
Ever had a new job just sort of fall into your lap? I'll bet it's happened at least once to you or someone you know. Perhaps you got a phone call from an old friend who referred you to a hiring manager. Or an email from a relative urging you to apply... (More)

How to Email It In
Marshall Brown talks about being more effective with online job searching and resumes. Being able to stand out in the crowd online can make the difference between getting a call back and getting ignored.

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